Berberine vs Green Tea

I love drinking green tea especially at night before bed time and often times during the day but why do I drink it? Well, green tea may provide many benefits from its catcheins like antioxidant support, weight management, and cognitive health support but another supplement gaining traction is berberine. Have you heard of it? What... Continue Reading →

Hydrogenated vs Fractionated oil

If you cook, you probably cook with oil, right? We know that olive oil is good for your health over vegetable oil for many reasons including it's anti-inflammatory properties but are there other considerations when choosing an oil? Do you consider the difference between hydrogenated and fractionated oil? Can that make an impact on your... Continue Reading →

Invest in …

I've been thinking a lot about investing in myself in multiple ways from learning something new to reading to eating better but should you really find multiple things to invest in or try one thing at a time? Which camp are you? To me, there is no correct answer as anything you do, will provide... Continue Reading →

Unsavory supplements

How do you take foul swelling supplements? Ever open a bottle and it smelled bad? What did you do? Hold your breath and continue to take the supplement? Why do these supplements have a smell you wonder? Depending on the formulation, some ingredients are inherently foul smelling. Encapsulation is expensive so instead of passing off... Continue Reading →

How do you define healthy?

A question that I kept thinking about lately is how do you define healthy? My answer probably would depend on the age that I'm at or lifestyle I lead but the definition always changes and evolves. Do you follow a diet? Do you do the 80/20 rule? Do you need confirmation of your health numbers... Continue Reading →

Happy New Year

A new year begins with a lot of hope, prayers, and good wishes but often times we forget about what we already have--for me, it's not only health, home, food but also family. As parents get older, we realize our time is limited with them so for me, my only goal this year is to... Continue Reading →

Overcoming Jet Lag

Traveling always takes a toll especially if you're changing times zones. I'm suffering through jet lag as we speak and boy does it catch up with you when you least expect it. Are there any tips to overcome it? I think what's working for me is that taking catnaps during the day. For me, the... Continue Reading →

Coughing season is here!

I tend to cough during allergy season and now during weather change. That got me to thinking what can I do about it without taking too many meds. Are there natural options?1) Honey and Lemon Honey's natural antibacterial properties help soothe the throat, while lemon provides vitamin C to boost the immune system. Mix a... Continue Reading →

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